DS ND Killed Vaccine
For the Prevention of ND in Poultry
DS ND Water Vaccine (B1)
For the Prevention of ND in Chicken
DS ND – IB Chicken Vac.
For the Prevention of ND and IB in Chicken
DS K2 – ND ChickenVac
For the Prevention of IB and ND in Poultry
DS IBK2 ChickenVac
For the Prevention of IB in Poultry
DS Gumboro ChickenVac.
Prevention of IBD in Poultry
DS Fowl Pox ChickenVac
For the Prevention of FP in Poultry
DS BNE Oil Chicken Vac
For the Prevention ND, IB and EDS in Chicken
DS ANBB Oil ChickenVac
For the Prevention of AI( H9N2 ), ND & IB in Poultry
DS AN Gel ChickenVac
For the Prevention of AI ( H9N2 ) & ND in Poultry